Learning MCNP4C and MCNPX

شماره تماس 09358768859

Learning MCNP4C and MCNPX

شماره تماس 09358768859

کد هسته ای EGSnrc

کد هسته ای (دوش الکترون گاما) EGSnrc 

جهت راهنمایی به صفحه این کد در فروشگاه رجوع کنید. (کلیک کنید)

Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport

The EGS (Electron–Gamma–Shower) system of computer codes is a general purpose pack-
age for the Monte Carlo simulation of the coupled transport of electrons and photons in
an arbitrary geometry for particles with energies above a few keV up to several hundreds
of GeV. This report introduces a new, enhanced version called EGSnrc. In addition to
explaining and documenting the various enhancements and changes to the previous ver-
sion (EGS4[12]), this document includes several introductory and advanced tutorials on the
use of EGSnrc (section 4) and also contains the EGSnrc Reference Manual(section 3), the
PEGS4 User Manual (section 6), and an EGS User Guide to Mortran3 (section 7). Our
intention has been to make this document wholly self-contained so that the user need
not refer to the original EGS4 User Manual.

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